All Our Little Messes
Tune into All Our Little Messes for an uplifting journey around everyday messes, from the personal to the political. Each episode explores one tiny mess through the honest stories of real people, to build hope and community. We know life is hard. We know it can be lonely. And it can be the loneliest for people who find themselves breaking toxic family cycles, processing religious trauma, or experiencing mental health problems. I believe that it doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to be alone anymore. Join our growing community of survivors as we go on a journey of healing together.
All Our Little Messes
Episode 1 - Why I Gentle Parent
Hi Guys! Welcome to our first episode in a series on gentle parenting and also, our first episode ever! In this episode, I go over the how's and why we chose to adopt authoritative/gentle parenting. I'd also like to know your thoughts on this episode so leave a comment below.
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